Friday, November 22, 2013

The Doomed Moon of Mars

Here pictured is oner of the two moons of mars, Phobos. Named after the god of Panic, this moon is said to have been an asteroid that was caught in the orbit of Mars. This moon is especially worrisome because of how close in proximity it is to the planet of Mars. Scientists say that this moon will eventually shatter due to the increasing stress that the tidal forces of Mars are putting on it. Although this is predicted, scientisit say that it most likely won't happen for about 100 million years. This close up picture of Phobos, taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbital, appealed to me significantly due to the sheer beauty of this specimen. This one really got me goin'.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Solar Eclipse in Uganda: APOD

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.
This solar eclipse was seen from Uganda for about 20 seconds on November 3rd, 2013. This picture fascinated me due to the sheer beauty that this eclipse brought to my eyes. The reddish hue that is given off in this picture was amazing, and showed off several plasma clouds that had been given off, such as the clouds given off on the upper portion of the red ring.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Michael Mastlin Q1 Bio

Michael Mastlin, born in Göppingen, Germany on September 30, 1550, is a notable German astronomer who is most famously known as the mentor of Johannes Kepler. In 1570, he received a Master's degree in Mathematics and Astronomy from Tübingen University, also in Germany. He is also famously known for being attributed to Gallileo's adoption of heliocentrism. In his lifetime, Mastlin made many significant and notable discoveries both in space and on paper. One of his most significant feats was that he was the first person to calculate the orbit of a comet. He also is the unofficially the first person to have calculated the Golden Ratio (0.6180340) in 1597 when he included it in a letter to Johannes Kepler. As for discoveries that he made in space, Mastlin is known for charting the Pleiades star cluster on December 24, 1579 (11 stars officially charted and 14 observed). Mastlin died on October 30, 1631 of old age at the age of 81.

Work Cited

O'Connor, J.J. "Michael Mästlin." Mastlin Biography. N.p., July 2008. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Yuri's Planet

April 12, 1961 : This date marks the first time that man has ever seen Earth from space. Yuri Alexseyevich was this man, and he himself was stunned by the miraculous view given to him. 20 years later on the same day, NASA launched their first space shuttle. To commemerate these advances and expeditions, on April 12 of 2013, this picture was taken. This picture grabbed my attention because it shows people on Earth what Yuri had seen 52 years ago; probably a bit different than he had seen it. We can see the clear distinctions of major cities on the East coast of the USA, such as New York city, Boston and Baltimore, giving people a totally different perspective of what nightlife in the USA really looks like.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Four X-Class Flares - Alex Moore

Four X-Class Flares

This picture was especially appealing to me because the sheer beauty of these four flares certainly intrigued me. It is scientifically amazing because these four x-flares were produced within 48 hours; these flares were the first flares produced of 2013. They are also the most powerful flares of their class, making it even more amazing that it happened in such a short time span.